Data Centers
Tech never stops evolving, so your data center can’t afford to fall behind. From cloud computing to artificial intelligence to IoT devices, the technology that we rely on every day comes with significant energy use attributed to servers, storage, and networking equipment. Data centers can be extremely energy-intensive, consuming 10 to 50 times the energy of a typical office building, according to a U.S. Department of Energy study. But PSE&G can help optimize your energy consumption and reduce energy costs, with a wide range of energy efficiency incentives and solutions.

Tech never stops evolving, so your data center can’t afford to fall behind. From cloud computing to artificial intelligence to IoT devices, the technology that we rely on every day comes with significant energy use attributed to servers, storage, and networking equipment. Data centers can be extremely energy-intensive, consuming 10 to 50 times the energy of a typical office building, according to a U.S. Department of Energy study. But PSE&G can help optimize your energy consumption and reduce energy costs, with a wide range of energy efficiency incentives and solutions.

Newer, more energy-efficient equipment can lower equipment and cooling costs. In addition, smarter energy use monitoring and reporting systems offered by some high-efficiency servers allow users to measure and adjust individual pieces of IT equipment for optimal use, contributing to overall reduced operating costs.

Do more with less. Servers with computational utilization between 10-50% present a great opportunity for server consolidation, which can help maximize space in your data center and enable faster deployments. A computational utilization below 10% may be a removal opportunity.

Server virtualization reduces the number of physical servers, so hardware management is easier and more cost-efficient. Servers running a virtualized load run at higher power, increasing efficiency.

Despite exponential increases in data and digital services, driven by mobile internet users and streaming content, data center efficiency has kept pace, allowing data center energy demand to remain nearly flat for the past decade. Stay ahead of the curve.

Newer, more energy-efficient equipment can lower equipment and cooling costs. In addition, smarter energy use monitoring and reporting systems offered by some high-efficiency servers allow users to measure and adjust individual pieces of IT equipment for optimal use, contributing to overall reduced operating costs.

Do more with less. Servers with computational utilization between 10-50% present a great opportunity for server consolidation, which can help maximize space in your data center and enable faster deployments. A computational utilization below 10% may be a removal opportunity.

Server virtualization reduces the number of physical servers, so hardware management is easier and more cost-efficient. Servers running a virtualized load run at higher power, increasing efficiency.

Despite exponential increases in data and digital services, driven by mobile internet users and streaming content, data center efficiency has kept pace, allowing data center energy demand to remain nearly flat for the past decade. Stay ahead of the curve.

Get better service from your servers, with simple efficiency upgrades that can make a big impact
A bright idea for where to start? Switching to high-efficiency LEDs throughout your building helps you save energy and money.
Automatically adjust temperature and lighting with programmable thermostats, photosensors, dimmers and occupancy sensors to reduce heat and energy waste.
Rearranging your server hardware into alternating hot and cold aisles allows your HVAC equipment to regulate temperature more efficiently.

Increase energy savings throughout your data center by taking additional efficiency measures
You can’t have firewalls without heat, but high-efficiency servers limit power conversion losses and generate less waste heat, reducing the need for excess air conditioning.
Adding VSDs to modulate fan speeds can provide critical cooling while increasing efficiency. VSDs that reduce fan-speed by 10% can lower electricity use by 25%, per an ENERGY STAR® review.
Let nature do the work for you! Economizers bring in cool outside air to aid in cooling server facilities, lowering energy demand.

When you get to this point, you’re ready to lead your organization toward optimum energy efficiency.
Upgrade to higher-efficiency HVAC equipment that gives you more precise control of the temperature throughout your data center, and reduces monthly energy costs.
An estimated 20-30% of servers in data centers are consuming power, cooling and space, but not doing any useful work, found noted energy efficiency researcher Jonathan Koomey, Ph.D. Increase your energy efficiency and maximize your space by reducing the number of physical servers in your data center.
Virtual servers allow data centers to use processing power and resources more efficiently by running multiple operating systems and applications on one partitioned server.